
When there's anything like affection,
it takes on a whole new direction.
Feeling powerless in the heart of ours,
when we loose our minutes and hours.

Not to be allowed a single glance,
is there never something like a true romance?
If I had felt anything less then affection,
loosing would have no sore connection.

To be on the last row
of your own show.
Watch the curtains fall down,
and you know there is not a sound.

Forever anyway.

Go out with me,
it's alright.
I'll do right by you,
it's alright.
I will fight for you,
it's alright.
Why did you tell me to stay away?
Now I can barely even say,
I love you forever anyway.

Where do lies go when they die?

Is there a heaven or hell for the lies that we spread,
once they reach their end and turn cold and dead?
Some are painful and carry nothing to gain,
others we call white and have no blame.
Do lies have a soul?
And when they die,
where do they go?

Take me miles away to anywhere that I can live.
When I feel better I have so much more to give.
Promises I made had me hide the truth.
Somehow I forgot my innocent youth.
Do lies grow old?
Where do they go,
once they stop being told?

Pick yourself up.

You are feeling half of what you used to be.
Well, half of infinite perfection is still perfection.
I might seem unserious at times this I know.
But I never lie about my own affection.

I've been scarred, she cut me off completely.
But I kept standing, though I'm bleeding deeply.
Why she did it I don't know.
She said there was no love. And all I got is scars to show.

I sometimes ask. Was she untrue?
I really can't say. And neither can you.
I am still in love with that sweet little girl.
Everything changes. Let the future unfurl.

Don't cry. Don't be sad. Try to look ahead.
Easier said then done you might say?
I know. I cry every night in my bed.
But sooner or later. Things will change. Some day.

Smaka det goda. Låt det inte gå till spillo.

Saknad, svartsjuka, ilska, tårar och sömnlösa nätter.
Detta är några av livets svåra rätter.
Vad dom gör där? Varför ställs de fram?

Vid bordet jämte ställs det fram annat att förtära.
Extas, lycka, skratt, leenden och känslan att vara kära.
Borde vi inte bara äta det ena om vi kan?
Vem hade känt sorg om det första bordet försvann?

Ingen vet den största utav sorger.
Det är den att inget känna.
Den kärlek vi bär, den kan ibland bränna.
För vad vore lycka om inget annat fanns?
Bara en sjävklarhet utan värde eller namn.

Jag kände inget nu ser jag världen.
Den är där, jag lever. Men är den värd det?
Kärlek, kärlek, kärlek.
Det är bättre att ha haft den och förlorat,
än att aldrig fått smaka det goda.

Let summer come

It's another day in the summer sun and you're looking at me.
Behind those eyes is a vault of emotions and I feel it.
We both know you blame life for what things are like,
and we both know deep inside that it ain't right.
Just open your mind, look at me. Life is standing right here.
Waiting to give you the summer and take away all the fear.

Tears come easy sometimes.

It's strange how vulnerable a man can be,
when he's beaten constantly and down on his knees.
How broken and torn must a heart finally get,
before it's damaged enough to die without regret.
We carry our sins and we bear our sorrow,
they mix and make our dreams into horror.
We crossed the same oceans on different boats.
Some of us started sinking, and others kept afloat.
Now I try to save as many as I can,
I'm trying to get us all to land.
How I wish for more strength or a small relief.
If only in myself, I had some more belief....

One way or the other

Me, me, me...I'm not sure if it's all or nothing about me.
Sometimes, I feel like the greatest prick alive.
And in between, I feel just like someone about to die.

Good things last forever until they run out.

Jag kunde inte låta bli att lägga upp denna. Med tanke på allt jag skriver så var den både rolig och passande :p
Dock får jag väl tillägga att om det kan kännas så här med mycket så vill jag fortfarande att de som läser relaterar till det som texterna betyder för sig själv.
Nu är det dags för en lite nyare dock, denna är bitter utan tvekan. Men kunde inte skita i det när jag fick fram en så passande bild. Ingen behöver tolka in sig själva i denna dock. Är inte bitter på någon särskild person.

I hold your hand while you talk of your trouble.
You answer me with a thanks, I give you the double.
Once again you've fallen down and cry,
I comfort you and help you dry your eyes.

This time it's over, the man left you for good.
He was to be there forever, but apparently "nobody would".
Now I hold you in my arms as I always have.
And I wonder how I can make you less sad.

You got drunk and called your friends jerks one weekend.
They left you to cry. I was there as soon as you clicked send.
I spent the night bringing you home and holding your hair.
All the time you said I was wonderful for being there.

Now I walk home after closing your door.
In the end you fell asleep on the bathroom floor.
I carried you to bed, and gave a cover if it gets colder.
Nobody seems to know all the weight on my shoulder.

The very next day he came back to you.
I am happy for you, seriously it's true.
Now you know he cared for you through it all.
Another week later I will answer your call.

What I think of me.

You may believe child, I'm at ease.
But I never cared for days that are like these.
We have our burdens, some to share.
I only wish I wasn't one for you to bear.

Still I'm dreaming, of the seas.
Where water covers all that I could see.
And the waves come, down on me.
They crush what's left and then I'm free.

I tell you brother, I still care.
Even if I know I'm not always there.
I still want love, but I am scared.
My heart is drowning on an ocean cold and bare.

Knock for pleasure.

You could knock on my door. I would do the job.
Yes if you knock on my door. I will give it all.
You want an instant gratification?
I will open the door for your sensation.

Mannen som vaknade upp i ett annat årtal.

Jag ragglar ner för gatan.
Mina fötter släpar med.
Jag har ingen koll på klockan,
jag söker något mer.

Mitt huvud känns så trött.
Mina ben viker ner.
Jag lägger mig på gatan
alla fyrverkerier jag ser.

I ett töcken slutar året.
Inget äkta glädjeskval.
Nu blir jag den som
vaknar upp i ett annat årtal.

Ja jag låter gnällig och antagligen konstig. Men tycker det är lite sorgligt att så många människor spenderar sista och första tiden av året i påverkat tillstånd.

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