Down down I goooo....

I was dropped out an aeroplane,
falling down down down to an early grave.
But the winds saw my despair,
they lifted me and carried me through the air.
Every second that the wind stops blowing,
makes me fall again. I don't know where I'm going.
So stupid of me, to beg for a single breeze.
I'm silly, but I don't want to freeze.
Hold me, thrill me, kiss me again...
I will try to be here...til the end....

Black Jack

Black Jack for 21.
Black indeed, nothing won.
2 recieved, and oh so nice.
I want more, for any price.


Logic dictates I should stop trying for a flush of hearts,
when the cards I've been dealt have been dark from the start.
But I can't use my brain.
in this game,
I seem to be unable to ignore my heart.

Du är så jävla mycket mer än du tror...

Den blick som en gång mötte min,
var varm, vacker och omtänksam. Den var din.
Den eld som du startade inom mig.
Den brinner, den bränner. Den får mig att gråta och le.
Den värme du göder, är min kärlek till dig.


I know you got nothing more to offer me,
and I know you told me it leads to nothing for us both.
But I've got so much more I'd love to give,
and I have enough love for us both to live...


Quelle problem. C'est difficile. La vie, l'amour...quelle problem....

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