Who I am and where I've been...

This is the story of me, as I see it... I was born in to a normal life, no perticular wealth or poverty. I hade a fair amount of order and liberty. Certain physical disabilities I admit. But at least it wasn't all shit. Despite this good life of mine, I've had a problem from time to time. I've never had anything I really wanted, ever since my life started. My entire being was a waste of life, nothing truly made med want to strive. I have felt no need to breathe or feed, but lately I discovered a real need. Something that made me want to wake up in the morning, something that made me want to stay up all evening. Nothing ever mattered to me. I only lived my life in hope to see, and whoe I did find a true passion! Something fitting my fashion. But oh how cheated I was by the hands of faith. It was untouchable, this very great... Perfect it was, amazing too... But never for me...as always, farewell and thank you...


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