Standing at the crossroads. Looking down the path I've come from.
I won't regret leaving it behind. This time I've made up my mind.
The paths in front of me leads to different places and by different means.
The guide that led me to this point has vanished during the night.
One path is looking clear and focused. The other is a blur.
One might lead to something great. The other one is mysterious.
I can barely wait. I'm feeling all to curious.
Going left might get me what I seek. But the one on the right has a steady trail.
The choice is all mine to take. But should I decide in only my own sake?
I've grown, trying to become something more than before.
But now I am confused. I'm not sure.
Before I was innocent and pure. I thought change was gonna be a cure.
Why have I left myself behind? And why did I bring myself along?
It's a paradox in itself, I cannot fathom.
I feel joyous I've got this far. In my steps I've crushed a star.
Growing hurts others. Change is strange.
The best would be to walk back the road. Find my youth.
To be a child again. Would make everything so plain.